Saturday, July 2, 2011

Seriously, You Were Expecting One Title For This Blog?

Hello my bloggies! I hope all of you are enjoying this summer! Can you believe over half of this year is over?

So, I gotta tell you something.
A few days ago I was flipping through my Bible to decide what I was going to start reading and most likely blog about. I came across Psalm 119 and decided that this was the right chapter, book, passage, etc.
I started making little notes in my Bible to bring to your attention when I actually did write about it. So, I knew obviously it would take me more than a day to blog my way through this chapter. Anyway, I had to wait until July 1st to start it so that they would all be together in the Archive :)

By the way, are any of you familiar with Psalm 119? If so great, but either way I encourage you to read each passage with me.

Lets start in!
Psalm 119[a]

    א Aleph
 1 Blessed are they whose ways are blameless,
   who walk according to the law of the LORD.
2 Blessed are they who keep his statutes
   and seek him with all their heart.
They do nothing wrong;
   they walk in his ways.
4 You have laid down precepts
   that are to be fully obeyed.
5 Oh, that my ways were steadfast
   in obeying your decrees!
6 Then I would not be put to shame
   when I consider all your commands.
7 I will praise you with an upright heart
   as I learn your righteous laws
8 I will obey your decrees;
   do not utterly forsake me.

{All ''boldness'' made by me}

There is so very much to talk about in those 8 little verses I don't know how much I am going to accomplish :)

{v1} Blessed are those who are blameless. I looked up the definition of blameless and it is what it says. Blame-less. I love whenever that word is used; the same with with the word blessed.
As you will find out in Psalm 119 is that the Anonymous author {I {obviously} don't know if it is a he, but for now on a will say he is. :) } talks alot about the Law of the Lord. He talks about taking delight in the law.

Next paragraph taken from Emilee's Bible about v1. { } written by Miss Emilee.

This is both the longest psalm and the longest chapter in the Bible. {Wouldn't ya know this is the chapter I would choose to write about!! :) } It may have been written by Ezra after the temple was built (Ezra 6:14,15) as a repetition meditation on the beauty of God's Word and how it helps us stay pure and grow in faith. Psalm 119 has 22 carefully constructed sections, each corresponding to a different letter in the Hebrew alphabet and each verse beginning with the letter of its section. Almost every verse mentions God's Word. Such repetition waas common in the Hebrew culture. People did not have personal copies of the Scriptures to read as we do, so God's people memorized His Word and passed it along orally. {Aren't you glad we don't HAVE to do that now?} The structure of this psalm allowed for easy memorization. Remember, God's Word, the Bible, is the only sure guide for living a pure life.

Now, I have said it before and will say it again my Rafiki {friend in Swahili}.
We can never keep all God's laws, statutes. BUT we truly do seek a blameless and sinless life.
If we seek to be in a ''my God'' relationship instead of a ''our God'' and ''her/his God'' and tell Him that...He will change us. We will find Him. He will ''make'' and stir a desire in us to delight in His Word and our time with Him.

This is our verses in The Message.
Psalm 119:1-8
    You're blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
   You're blessed when you follow his directions,
      doing your best to find him.
   That's right—you don't go off on your own;
      you walk straight along the road he set.
   You, God, prescribed the right way to live;
      now you expect us to live it.
   Oh, that my steps might be steady,
      keeping to the course you set;
   Then I'd never have any regrets
      in comparing my life with your counsel.
   I thank you for speaking straight from your heart;
      I learn the pattern of your righteous ways.
   I'm going to do what you tell me to do;
      don't ever walk off and leave me.
{v3} ''....They walk in His ways.''
Ya know, as Christians we will all be made fun of, tempted by others {if we haven't been already},
but they notice something different in you. Trust me, I don't believe this most of the time, but if they didn't notice you were different would they make fun of you?
They know you have something sacred, but they just don't know what.
I want to be labeled...if nothing else, a God-lover. A person who walks-the-walk in her relationship with the only Living God.

{v4} You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed. I needed to type it again.

The definition of precept is:



a commandment or direction given as a rule of action or conduct.
an injunction as to moral conduct; maxim.
a procedural directive or rule, as for the performance of some technical operation.
A {commandment} direction given as a rule of action.
He has laid out the plan for your life, He has prescribed the way for you to live. He is willing to direct you. He has been down this road you are on.
You just have to stop and ask for directions. {and obey them!!!}
Oh, that my steps might be steady,
      keeping to the course you set;
   Then I'd never have any regrets
      in comparing my life with your counsel.
In keeping His direction, our steps might be ease.
Keeping the course and plan the Lord had laid out for you.
6 Then I would not be put to shame
   when I consider all your commands.
When you consider ALL His commands you do feel sorta lousy. Maybe you feel embarrassed when you read a Scripture or you feel that the Pastor is talking to you as if your the only one in the room. You might feel like you are not worthy, because you are not capable of all this ''churchy'' stuff.
 If you follow Him. If you seek Him and follow His plan, you don't have to fear not obeying His commands.

That, by all means, doesn't give you permission to read your Bible at night and in the morning forget about what you talked to God about {or vice versa the day and night}.
It means, you walk with God as He shows you how He wants you to act.

         {The Message}
I thank you for speaking straight from your heart;
      I learn the pattern of your righteous ways.

7 I will praise you with an upright heart
   as I learn your righteous laws

I thank, I praise.
Straight, upright.
Ways, laws.

{Breaking down this verse in Emilee's ''way''}
I praise you with the right attitude. A tender and open heart.
Father, I thank for speaking straight from your heart. Help me to have a heart more and more like yours as I learn the pattern of your righteous ways.


8 I will obey your decrees;
   do not utterly forsake me

 {The Message}
 I'm going to do what you tell me to do;
      don't ever walk off and leave me.
I will; just DO NOT leave me!!
Sounds like most of us Christians, doesn't it?

God, listen...I love you. I do. I want to live for you, but I CAN NOT do this. You have to help me. As if  you didn't already know that.

Do you ever feel scared when you say ''I will God'', because then if you don' have to realize you are no better than Peter? Don't be afraid. God, already knows you aren't better than him :)
Its true, but when you say it...when you surrender...AGAIN {!} mean it with all that you are, because God knows when you are lying anyway.

So, I believe this is an appropiate surrender prayer ya know? Confessing that aren't all that...That we are a little peculiar.....and telling God that we will do whatever He wants us to do. With is His help of course.

Thanks for your time.
I hope ya took somethin' from this :)
Below, or on Facebook, comment and tell some of your favorite points and verses from this blog.

Your Blogger,

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