Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Emilee's Checkup

Hey my Peeps :)
I wanted to let you know im thinking about ya.
I have spent the last 2 days doing ITBS tests and {somewhat} trying to just read my Bible and go straight to bed. But tonight I am blogging, reading, and im gonna go read some more.
Tonight we went to a Prayer Meeting at church for our trip to Uganda... I am very excited.
I found out another person I know is going and it will just be amazing! Will you pray for us? 

So, I haven't put flair on in a long time so here we go.  Is that cool?

                                         My Husband :) {Aslan}

                                         Enough Said!!!


                          Isn't this just like a dream flair? Rain drops on the windows, K~LOVE playing,
                          reading books, the sound of rain on the roof, and lights of cities in the distance.

For those of you who don't know...this is Rebecca St. James! She was married to Jacob Fink
last Saturday. For more on the ''royal couple'' visit : http://rsjames.com/updates/

I'm gonna hang up now. I know I hate it too.  So instead of saying good-bye I will say ''Chocolates and Coffee''! Will you help me make this saying ''popular?''

Chocolates and Coffee my followers,
Your Blogger,
Emilee <3 Kaye
P.S. Will you give me a ''reaction'' below? Thank-you!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter and Bad Bloggers.

O.k. ya'll...I have been a really bad blogger. {Well, I guess you already knew that} But thank-you everyone {Audrey} for mentioning it and getting me back into the routine.
It feels like its over doesn't it? We have been preparing, seeing Walmart commercials, that sometimes it doesn't seem real, but Easter is the best thing in the world!
Your whole life depends on this day 2000 years ago. You would not have life without God and wouldn't have everlasting life without Jesus {and Easter}...
I have a cute Easter question that I am ''stealing'' from Jamie-Grace.

I wonder how many followers ThirdDay gets on Easter? {Get it??}

Here is an Easter video for ya'll {or 2}

        Matt Maher~ Christ is Risen..
        I also wonder how many churches played/sang this song today.

            Michael W. Smith {Smitty}~ Secret Ambition

This Easter I woke up @ 6 o clock and went to the Sunrise Service...
Went to church at 9 and then went to my Aunt Becky's and Uncle Tracy's...Pictures will be uploaded eventually.

Happy Easter!
Im going to go enjoy Chocolates and Coffee... Read and maybe watch a movie THEN
watch The Dove Awards!! It is an amazing day :) I have been looking forward to this day for 365 {about} days :)
{BTW The Dove Awards are on GMC....Gospel Music Channel.}

Have a wonderful Easter evening...
Don't forget to celebrate tomorrow...the next day...the next day after that...That Christ being risen should be as much celebrated as it is on Easter. Because it is just as important any other day.

Love you guys!
Emilee <3 Kaye

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Emilee, Disa, Emily, Toby, Brandon, and Francesca!

Hey ya'll :)
So, today I went to a tea-party with my Grandma and Mom...
This is after noon I just hung out around the house and THEN
 we went shopping :)
For some people who read that they wondered why I put a smile face after that!
Well, I put a smiley face, BECAUSE we went to our Christian Bookstore!
We got some awesome music and some other awesome stuff. :)
So, tonight I want to share with you some God-glorifying music for you guys to enjoy!

Here is the song that I am jammin' out to right now :)

Love Disa and Toby!

         ~Brandon Heath!
           You put the light in me :)

    Mandisa again :) Love her!
    What if we were real?

            My girl Francesca Battistelli! {Trust me after you fall in love with her music her name becomes much easier!} ~You Never Are

                     And well....I just heard this song, but obviously I fell in love with it before I heard it!
You will get it once you listen :)

                    ~Emily :)
                     Yea, it spelled wrong, but it is the said the same way!
                      I hope you enjoyed the music and coming in to check up on me!

O.k. so we also went to MENARDS tonight and it smells like a new house :)
You also get to dream, take random pictures, and sit in comfy outdoor furniture and have people laugh at you! It was awesome! {I was not paid for this blog LOL}

Love you guys.
Look up Hebrews 4:12-13, k?

Dream On, Be real, and Good Morning!
Emilee Kaye :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Finally! Prayer! {Part 3}

K ya'll! This is the video blog I just did {My first one at that}! I think it is pretty cool and I hope you do to.
It is about 13 minutes long...
Enjoy Peculiar Treasures!

               The lighting isn't the best...I most likely talked to fast at times, but I hope you listened.
               Sincerely and truly.
              I hope you guys loved this and will pray real!
             {because being fake is fake and is  SOOOO not cool!}
              Love you guys and tell me what you think!
            Dream On!
            Emilee Kaye

1 Kings, Prayer, and Elijah. {Part 2}

O.k. so we are going to learn more about prayer and Elijah tonight. Wherever you are behind that phone,computer, laptop, blackberry I hope you don't just skim through all this ridiculously long list of verses and profiles, because if you skim through someones facebook profile and check out all their pictures and comments well..... Elijah sounds like an awesome guy and if he had a Facebook I would be sure to check it out. Wouldn't you? So consider this Elijah The Tishbite's Official Facebook Page {Untill they make a real one and sue me! Just kidding}

{Taken from Emilee's Bible}             
  Elijah's single-minded commitment to God shocks and challenges us. He was sent to confront, not comfort, and he spoke God's words to a king who often rejected his message just because he brought it. Elijah chose to carry out his ministry for God alone and paid for that decision by experiencing isolation from others who were also faithful to God.
  It is interesting to think about the amazing miracles God accomplished through Elijah, but we would do well to on the relationship they shared. All that happened in Elijah's life began with the same miracle that is available to us-he responded to the miracle of being able to know God.
Elijah witnessed a windstorm, an earthquake, and fire. But the Lord was not in any of those powerful things. Instead, God displayed his presence in a gentle whisper.
  Elijah, like us, struggled with his feelings even after this comforting message from God. So God confronted Elijah's  emotions and commanded action. He told Elijah what to do next and informed him that part of his loneliness was based on ignorance: 7,000 others in Israel were still faithful to God.
  Even today, God often speaks through the gentle and obvious rather than the spectacular and unusual. God has work for us to do even when we feel fear and failure. And God always has more resources and people than we know about. Although we might wish to do amazing miracles for God, we should instead focus on developing a realtionship with Him. The real miracle of Elijah's life was his very personal realtionship with God. And that miracle is available to us.

Elijah's strengths and accomplishments:
  •  Was the most famous and dramatic of Israel's prophets
  • Predicted the beginning and end of a three year drought
  • Was used by God to restore a dead child to his mother
  • Represented God in a showdown with priests of Baal and Asherah
  • Appeared with Moses and Jesus in the New Testament transfiguration scene
Weaknesses and mistakes:
  •  Chose to work alone and paid for it with isolation and loneliness
  • Fled in fear from Jezebel when she threatened his life
Lessons from his life:
  •  We are never closer to defeat than in our moments of greatest victory 
  •  We are never as alone as we may feel; God is always there
  • God speaks more frequently in persistent whispers than in shouts
So, Elijah was awesome, but obviously he made mistakes. He is human.
We can learn from his mistakes. He chose to work alone...well if you start your own business it isn't a sin :) , but don't put a glass wall protecting your freezing heart. If you refuse to talk to God, or anyone for that matter you will feel lonely.
If you don't accept fellowship than why would you ever pray for God to take the ache of being alone?

Have you ever thought of a relationship with God as a miracle?
Frankly, I hadn't alot. You can talk to GOD! Read it again.. Go ahead :)
God is unsearchable.
You might look Him up on google to find another enchanting word for him, but there isn't enough names for my Jesus. And there are alot!!
Pursue your/our miracle {I am totally bobbing my head to Newsboys right now! : D}
today. How? Pray..
I might talk about it
 next time {I can't talk about it enough},
since I have been typing for like an hour! 
I love ya'll.
Prayer works. Trust me on this one...Ok?
As I turn off K~LOVE, shut my laptop, finish my  book, pray, and end my night I pray you are learning from this peculiar treasure of a blog.
 Come back for more on a miracle topic.
Emilee Kaye

Sunday, April 10, 2011

1 Kings, Prayer, and Elijah. {Part 1}

1 Kings 17

 1 And then this happened: Elijah the Tishbite, from among the settlers of Gilead, confronted Ahab: "As surely as God lives, the God of Israel before whom I stand in obedient service, the next years are going to see a total drought—not a drop of dew or rain unless I say otherwise."  2-4 God then told Elijah, "Get out of here, and fast. Head east and hide out at the Kerith Ravine on the other side of the Jordan River. You can drink fresh water from the brook; I've ordered the ravens to feed you."
 5-6 Elijah obeyed God's orders. He went and camped in the Kerith canyon on the other side of the Jordan. And sure enough, ravens brought him his meals, both breakfast and supper, and he drank from the brook.
 7-9 Eventually the brook dried up because of the drought. Then God spoke to him: "Get up and go to Zarephath in Sidon and live there. I've instructed a woman who lives there, a widow, to feed you."
 10-11 So he got up and went to Zarephath. As he came to the entrance of the village he met a woman, a widow, gathering firewood. He asked her, "Please, would you bring me a little water in a jug? I need a drink." As she went to get it, he called out, "And while you're at it, would you bring me something to eat?"
 12 She said, "I swear, as surely as your God lives, I don't have so much as a biscuit. I have a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a bottle; you found me scratching together just enough firewood to make a last meal for my son and me. After we eat it, we'll die."
 13-14 Elijah said to her, "Don't worry about a thing. Go ahead and do what you've said. But first make a small biscuit for me and bring it back here. Then go ahead and make a meal from what's left for you and your son. This is the word of the God of Israel: 'The jar of flour will not run out and the bottle of oil will not become empty before God sends rain on the land and ends this drought.'"
 15-16 And she went right off and did it, did just as Elijah asked. And it turned out as he said—daily food for her and her family. The jar of meal didn't run out and the bottle of oil didn't become empty: God's promise fulfilled to the letter, exactly as Elijah had delivered it!
 17 Later on the woman's son became sick. The sickness took a turn for the worse—and then he stopped breathing.
 18 The woman said to Elijah, "Why did you ever show up here in the first place—a holy man barging in, exposing my sins, and killing my son?"
 19-20 Elijah said, "Hand me your son."
    He then took him from her bosom, carried him up to the loft where he was staying, and laid him on his bed. Then he prayed, "O God, my God, why have you brought this terrible thing on this widow who has opened her home to me? Why have you killed her son?"
 21-23 Three times he stretched himself out full-length on the boy, praying with all his might, "God, my God, put breath back into this boy's body!" God listened to Elijah's prayer and put breath back into his body—he was alive! Elijah picked the boy up, carried him downstairs from the loft, and gave him to his mother. "Here's your son," said Elijah, "alive!"
 24 The woman said to Elijah, "I see it all now—you are a holy man. When you speak, God speaks—a true word!"

Do you ever even think about Bible stories or do you just read them to get it over so you can move on? Huh? Did you just skim through that story, because you don't want to be a Bible gal/guy today? Huh?

Think about it. This Elijah man prayed! I mean Pra-y-ed! So, obviously you don't need to lay on a person for Jesus to answer your prayer for 1 that would be extremely awkward for that person and would just not exactly be...well...anway...and 2...well, you just don't. Trust me.

I don't know as much about Elijah as you think...I don't even know what he is ''known'' for, but he was a prayer warrior~
He prayed until something happened indeed!
Sometimes I just don't get how people can live their lives without praying to God. I can't imagine and frankly don't want to.
Prayer is powerful. Prayer is effective. Prayer is precious. Prayer is a GORGEOUS thing.

So, you  might think that theses Bible people were all that, but you don't really dig inside their heads. I mean do you think about how God spoke to Elijah? With a big booming voice? A gentle whisper? With no words at all?

Do think about what the woman thought when Elijah approached her and what the setting was?
Was it awkward for Elijah or the woman? Was Elijah easy to talk to?
What do you think ''the woman''s name was?
How did God prompt her to not slam the door in Elijah's face?
I mean if someone came up to my house and said that they were a Tishbite I don't know what I would do! : P

Goodnight. Sweet Dreams Peculiar Treasures. Goodmorning.
<3, Emilee Kaye

Dream On!
Live For Jesus!
{and always look both ways before crossing the street! : P }

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Home And Hearing.

Hey Guys!
Most of you know that I had surgery yesterday...Thank-you for your prayers!
Now that the worst part is over I am just hangin' out this week.
I am reading, drawing, picniking, watching Andy Griffith, I Love Lucy, and Full House,
Looking through House Beautiful, Traditional Home, Elle Decor, and Country Sampler magazines, and at this very moment {!} listening {hearing} to Group 1 Crew :)

Just wanted to check in and say hello.
Talk to ya'll later.
Live For Jesus!
Emilee <3 Kaye

Jesus said, "Daughter, you took a risk trusting me, and now you're healed and whole. Live well, live blessed!"
~ Luke 8:48

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dream Coming True Part 2 ?!

Hello Everyone!!!
I would like to start with this.
I wasn't planning on going to Africa untill I was like 18.
My passion for Africa really started around my 11th birthday {last years birthday}

Today we went to a meeting at church for mission trips this year.
One option was Uganda, Africa.
Im going guys!!!
Seriously!!! No joke!!
How many days ago did I write a blog about dreaming of going there?
Mom and I {and others from our church} are going to Uganda around Thanksgiving :)
Of this year!
More details will come later since I don't even know many.
We will be serving @ New Hope Uganda at a Childrens Center :)
I am super excited and it seems forever away...
I will be in the same continent with my cousin who is in the National Guard and with our sponsored child and her mother :)

So, when my passion grew say it was February 8th 2010...
419 days later He gives me an option that I wasn't expecting for over 6 more years from now.

Did you know that Uganda is neighbors to Kenya?

I will tell you that I am TERRIFIED of flying...Haven't been on one since I was a baby.
I hate snakes.
I will take cold showers.
I have to take shots and pills.
I will have to pack light which I am TERRIBLE at.
I don't want Malaria. {who does?}
It will be ALOT of traveling...I may love riding, but flying is a different story :)

BUT God wants me there. It is my passion, my dream.
Jesus wants me to help the children and missionaries there.
Jesus will help me to help them to help them.
Hey, and I get a passport!! For me that is like super cool!! I will have a African stamp. :)
I already have a Africa fund...with about 4 dollars in it in change : P

Reality hasn't sat in yet...It is slowly..
I am going to Africa :)
I have wanted to say that for a 419 days and it feels AWESOME!

Talk to you later my Precious Peculiar Treasures.
Goodnight, Sweet Dreams, and Goodmorning :)



Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dream Come True, Gadgets, and Psalms :)

Hello followers! Or followers who don't say they are :P
Right now I am at the track-in the middle of a football field tracking mom running-and blogging {Doing both is difficult ;) } and no- I didn't bring my laptop...I  am actually writing this with my own hand! It is gorgeous out here! :) Last night and this morning/afternoon I {Mom and Dad} took a Crisis Care training-Bible Study-seminar deal :)
Tonight, GUESS WHAT!! I am babysitting!!
O.k. so Mom is there, but only, because we have two to watch. I am going to ''babysit'' Tori- {A 3 Year Old} Im SOOOO excited!!!! {Just in case you couldn't tell}

Note Later: I literally DREAMED about babysitting Tori :) and now that dream became reality : )
Don't ya love it when that happens?

I would like to discuss some of my new ''gadgets''...
The SocialVibe is completely free.
You most likely should have a Facebook account to be able to do some of the activities.
If you don't want to finish them, don't, but I would appriciate you doing that every once in awhile.
And, Blood: Water Mission is to provide clean water for families in Africa...and all over. If you want to learn more about it go to bloodwatermission.com
Also, when you ''follow'' me you do not get e-mails UNLESS you follow me by e-mail at the very end of this page {don't judge me if im wrong, because I cannot tell when I am the admimistrator :( }. When you follow me  all it basically is to let me know you are interested in it...
Thanks :)

Next time we will be discussing Psalm 142...maybe :)
Unless something absolutely amazing happens :)
It is a super short chapter...so the next time you read check it out :)
Thanks ya'll :)
Emilee <3 Kaye

Happy April!
I wish ya'll sweet dreams and a good morning :)