Thursday, December 29, 2011

Welcome to the World Makenna Joy!

Oh, friends! I have a beautiful reason to be visiting you this afternoon. The latest Clay baby {Our Pastor's family} has arrived! I have heard that she looks precious {which I know she does!}, but I will not be laying my eyes on Ms. Makenna until I can get my hands on her! :) I am ecstatic! I feel like we're adding a member to our family today, which we are-- just not biologically.
In celebration of Makenna's birth this afternoon I will be posting lyrics and Bible verses that pertain to this little girl... and all the little lights across the globe.

Look at all the angels watching you
They're singing songs that we have never heard
And their voices ring like bells over the mountains
Oh, if only we could hear their words

God is near, little girl
God is near, little girl

Your eyes are brilliant, deep sky blue {{although I don't know if this is fact ;) }}
Their quiet wisdom is an evening song
And the angels must be breathless at your beauty
Like the world catches its breath before the dawn

God is near, little one
God is near, little one

Jesus bends to hear your breathe
And His tender hands are holding you tonight
And His heart is ravished when you look, when you look at Him
And, Oh, the endless mercy in His eyes

~Matt Hammitt ft. Audrey Assad -Little Light

  • You were knit together by God in your mother's womb.
  • You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
  • Your frame was not hidden from Him when you were woven together.
  • His eyes saw your unformed body.
  • All of your days were written in His book before one of them {this day} came to be.
  • You're engraved on the palms of His hands; Your walls are ever before Him.
  • He will quiet you with His love and rejoice over you with singing.
{From the truths of Psalm 139:13-16, Isaiah 49:16, and Zephaniah 3:17}
I found that Scripture {Psalm 139}for the zillionth time last night and thought it fitted in the most divine way :)

I found out that Keneenia {The name of Makenna before her arrival. Long story. ;) }
was going to be born in the early summer of this year. I was so excited! Although, that ment the children of God would gain a sibling-- It also met the Uganda team would lose two. Grant and Suzanne were planning to go with us, but the Lord had another one however!

We are so joyful :) over Ms. Makenna's life!
I can almost guarantee that there will be pictures as soon as I meet this little one. :)
Until then,

Also! A special shout-out to Auntie {not literally ;) } Diane! Happy Birthday! See ya soon!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Walkin' In A Winter Wonderland.

Hello friends! Merry Christmastime :) Here in Kansas it is has been snowing all night... I love snow SO much. This evening our friend Miranda came over for supper, a walk, and a movie! As a family, our tradition is to go on a walk in the first snow of the season-- So, tonight Miranda got in on our tradition and joined the family! ;)  It was alot of fun... Which it always is with her! Here are some pictures from our night/my day :)

View from our front porch earlier! Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

While getting ready or practically anything we have music playing... and recently these guys have been
a favorite. Notice Peculiar Treasures in the favorites above :)

Mom and Miranda walkin'! Oh, the places we have walked together!
 {Miranda went to Uganda w/ us :) }

The street sign...

And its shadow!

The three of us!
{{Before we were numb and covered with snow!}}

Christmas lights <3 {{notice snow on lense :)}}

I love how the Lord planned shadows of snowflakes and tree limbs on the actual snow.

Snowball fight! We were giddy with joy! :)

Isn't this just a wonderful moment captured? :) Happiness! Sisters In Christ we are :)
{{Notice how white my coat has become! ;) }}

All snuggled up in our blankets for the movie!

My great Grandma painted this in 1979 :) I thought it was appropriate for tonights post! :)

I hope you enjoyed following along on our night! Enjoy this week and everything good that comes with it, treasures! :) Live for Jesus and no one else! {{Thanks for hangin' w/ me! :) }}
In Him,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mary Pondered and Treasured.

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. ~Luke 2:19

This verse has really stuck out to me as I have heard the Christmas story recently-- This past week specifically. Christmas for  alot of people is stress, right? {{I don't want you to insert an amen here! :) } I have heard from someone this year that they wished Christmas was over already... and I don't think the Lord would be joyous over that. I really don't. I have had a  really hard time getting into the marketing part of Christmas this year... Our trip to Uganda has really helped me w/ the material part of Christmas, but it has been hard. Yes, I will look forward to receiving my presents and I will be grateful for them-- In a way I never have before.
 While in Uganda we celebrated Thanksgiving, but two days later we celebrated Christmas with our family {group}. These kids received a little Christmas tree for the whole family, a Christmas card, and an ornament. ~~ While celebrating a birthday our first night at New Hope the family father got only a cake {with no frosting.} and stood up for ten minutes thanking us for being there. Thanking us for encouraging them. I invite you to ponder these things for awhile. :)

Now, this is Christmas! We know what Christmas is and the majority of you reading have accepted Jesus personally... Do you really focus on Christ? After many years do we forget to ponder why Jesus came as a baby? Within packing our clothes, our gifts, and many things we take for granted... Do we forget why we are doing it? I think that if we focused on resting in Him more we wouldn't stress so much over supposedly going to rest with family. I am NOT saying that we shouldn't pack up our cars and visit them, give gifts, etc. BUT is that all Christmas is for you? Is Christmas all about family? In a way, it is, but Christ is what Christmas is all about! Christ is why we celebrate...Not because any of us or our earthly possessions came down from heaven, humbled themselves, performed miracles, loves us like no one else can, and died for every single person that would breathe on earth-- It is because He did. God came in the form of a human and the blessed {human} life of my Best Friend began.
This is our challenge, Peculiar Treasures.
Don't get to busy resting that you ''forget'' to rest in Him. Love your family like you never have before! {relatives and the Kingdom of God} Follow Mary's example: Ponder these things...Treasure them and remember that the Lord treasures you. Treasure your family. Treasure your friends.  Also, enjoy your break! Don't take it for granted... You won't have another season exactly like this one ever again.

{{I hope I don't sound all ''buh-humbug'' on you! I love this time and am so looking forward to my break off school, seeing my family, and everything in between. :) }}

Lastly, the comments about ''This year went by so fast!'' are already beginning. {Believe me, I have thought it as least 1,050 times :) so far...} Friends, you still have right now. Don't take to much time stating that it went by so fast, because the fact is this: Every. single. year. goes by fast. It won't go slower- You have to number your days and thank Him for every one! You have 13 days left in 2011. You have 365 days in 2012. What are you going to do with them? Use them for Him alone--whatever you do. :)

In Him,
Emilee Kaye :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My balance; biblical.

This is all in good fun...No theology, Greek, or Hebrew words this evening-- I don't think, anyway! So, as I am having my quiet time and hangin' out with the Lord this evening {and will continue to after we are done here ;) }I found this verse and had to share it with you. Although there is a story behind it... :)

I was at a joint birthday party with 10 young ladies {including myself} with 3 other ''chaperones'' ladies. Anyway, we went rollerskating first and well-- It was my first time. Everyone else said they were really impressed with it being my first time and all, but I did fall a total of 2 times. Ouch.
Both times it was because I was standing somewhat still and then I lose my balance. The 2nd time I brought my friend down with me!! {Thanks, Kylie for bearing with little ol' me :D } We all had a blast! Thank you chaperones for helping! Also, a special shout out to the birthday girls- Audrey and Mariah! We love you!
When I fell I fell facedown... This is where the ''biblical'' part fits in :D

Levitcus 9:24
''...And when the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell facedown.''

While this verse was pertaining to the glory of the Lord I found it humorous to find this verse on this night. Although, we did laugh very hard while stuck on the ground trying to get up. We are very entertaining! --Understatement. Now, I might go and write something inspirational in my journal :)

After the fun of the birthday party tonight I went to the latter part of one of our very last Uganda meetings. I forgot how much I missed ''my'' team. Even if I see them at church- I still miss them.
Oh, the experiences we have had together. *sigh*
See ya next time, friends!

In Him,

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


It is so good to be back! {On Peculiar Treasures} I hope you have been checking on our Uganda blog, {and continue to} because I am not finished with it yet-- I just had to come visit you tonight. How are you?
I am still slowly, but surely coming back into our time zone! Although part of me was left behind.

I love how God lays different themes on my heart... Remember my Knowing post or my Yearning post?
Well, for this season in my life it is intentionality. Ya know how you cherish when someone is intentional with you? The moment when a little one {or anyone for that matter!} smiles directly at you.
When a cherished friend comes up to apologize. When you don't have to walk across the room to talk to your friend; they are already walking to you. When someone sends you a note or text {etc.} just for fun. When someone gives you a present-- You know there was thought behind it. Sometimes we just need people to be intentional with us-- right? We desire to be loved- Not because of obligation or for charity, but because of sincerity in their feelings and decision. We want to be ''searched'' for and fought for.
We try to fill this gap with earthly things and humans. Our gap can never be filled if we don't come into contact with this {inspired by the sermon on Sunday}:

Jesus is intentional with you.
He searched for you! He daily comes to rescue you from your earthly and sinful ways.
He gave you the perfect gift; life forever and abundantly.
The Lord your God fights for you need only be still.
He walks to be by your side...and stays there.
Oh, and He sent you a note alright! :)

Talk about satisfying! :) So, we get discouraged when our friends let us down, because they weren't intentional like we might have dreamed they would be... We feel miserable and realize maybe a hint of our hope was put in them-- if even for a short time. We have to put our hope in Him... and it is an everyday decision you have to make. He will never forsake us even when earthly possessions do.
He has to be our treasure. He has to be our everything before everything else falls into place; place being His plan.

He intentionally seeks you out. He intentionally is seeking out unbelievers. Jesus is intentional.
He cares about the one lost sheep...That one lost sheep is the son or daughter He delights in and He doesn't want to lose them because of this world. Remember these things when Satan uses his lies to discourage you.

Now, what are we supposed to do with this promise and knowledge? Let's be intentional people!
Intentionally have time in prayer, the Word, and listening to the Lord every day.
Intentionally tell someone hello. Intentionally send someone a note. Intentionally tell your friend you appreciate everything they do- even if you told them yesterday. Intentionally let someone know they are loved- by the Lord and by you.
See ya soon, friends. Have a wonderful day!
In Him,

P.S. I apologize for all the times you had to read the word intentional in this post :) Maybe that is a way to keep it engraved on your mind! ;)