Saturday, March 17, 2012

Peculiar Treausure's 1 Year Anniversary!

Ya know what today is, treasures? TODAY is our anniversary. I began this blog 365 days ago. We have gotten 2,534 views since March 17, 2011 from about 12 different countries. So, for the celebration I will start by telling the story of how it all started. If you haven't been here along the journey in all it's entirety then I encourage you to read some of the popular blogs to your right on this page OR you could be my biggest fan and go through the archive. :)

I have read several today and will continue to once finishing this post. I love remembering what was going on in my life when reading different entries.

Peculiar Treasures was not my idea... It was my Mom's. As we sat on the couch after eating my Dad's birthday dinner {Special shout out to my Dad! Even though he won't get this in his inbox until 1PM tomorrow :) Happy birthday!} Mom and I were on Facebook and she was wanting to know how some people have a blog... and how they even did that. At that time I was not reading any blog {That has for sure changed. Note the Blogs I Follow to your left. :) } and I didn't know either.
So, we investigate on Bing and finally find the website we like best...
As we were in the first steps of planning for this Mom said for the title of the blog, ''What is that title of that one book?'' Even if that question seems unspecific I knew and replied with our name, ''Peculiar Treasures.''

That night, tucked away in my cozy bedroom, laying on my bed {not the same room as I have now, however.} wrote my first blog, ''Peculiar Treasures?! {My first blog! ; D }''

We have went through some awesome God-things, two backgrounds, about 80 posts, and ALOT of late nights. I believe blogging is just plain good for me. It has been stretching at times... and at others comforting. It is hard, but yet so easy. He is faithful and I love looking back on the journeys this little ol' blog has taken Him and I on.

I love the way He works. Some nights I shutdown my laptop feeling confident in my post...  and on others {the majority of them} I feel lousy. The majority of the feedback {comments, face to face encouragement, pageviews, etc.} I get are from the blogs posted when I feel lousy afterwards. It comes from that moment of begging the Lord to use my post for His glory-- even if I felt useless. I'm not quite sure how to explain it in a way to make you understand, but I am very thankful... Thankful that He uses my groans and turns them into something special.
I pray for ya'll continually and love serving you in this small way that I am.

I will talk to you soon and I look forward to the year ahead! Remember who you are, Beloved.

Exodus 19:5

Now, therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine.

In Abba,
Emilee Kaye


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