Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Videos and Dreams Sigh.

Hello everyone :)
Tonight im going to share some videos for you to watch...including some songs I have been telling you to look up :) Up above, is an 11 year old revealing Jesus throughout the Bible.

Jason Gray:
Is a  ''new'' Christian artist who I met last October. His music is amazing... His website is: is the song I recommended you to look up last night. I love it :)

Here is the other one I recommended by Jamie-Grace {Harper} Hold Me

Toby Mac is also in it...He discovered her on YouTube and she now is on the Revolve Tour and has 5 songs out. She is awesome!

Here is my girl, Jenna! I met her in February and she is really kind, loving, and caring. Here is one video of her at Revolve.

O.k. so how was your date {with Jesus}?
Im curious.
Today I have been ''blogging'' for a week!

What is your dream?
 I have like a billion!
I will talk about this more next time, because I seriously don't have enough time, but before that I want you to think about your dreams for you, your dreams to reach the world for Christ, and what you hope the impact of that happening will be. Think about your dreams in a different way.
Pray about your dreams. See what you can do today to fulfill it.
I will share my many dreams, you will think about yours, and Jesus will guide us through it all.
Im already excited. :)

Sweet Dreams my friends!
Emilee <3 Kaye

P.S. Tell me what you think about the videos! {please}

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