It was awesome!
I finished this book first:
Which was amazing! Whatever age you are this is a book you HAVE to read. No exaggeration there. (Thanks Grandma Kenny)
Then I finished re-reading this volume:
O.k. so Christy Miller and ''the God-lover'' books are the best series EVER.
If you are around my age or have a daughter, friend, friends daughter, WHATEVER...She/you need to read them! (but start in volume one of course :) )
(Thanks Aunt Becky!)
and.....lately I have been reading Matthew. Tonight I read chapter five...
(Thanks Mrs. Khristi!)
Then I literally just started this book:

Which I can't really tell you about yet, because I have only read one chapter. :)
(Thanks Grandma Kenny!)
How was everbody's Sunday? I hope it was o.k. and you stay encouraged through the whole ''depressing beginning of the week syndrome'', but personally I don't mind Monday's.
The school of course im not a big fan of, but Monday nights aren't that bad...Do any of you know why? ( can't say)
Here are some pictures of flair that I thought you might want to see:
Anyway, I will share some more next time. Even thought they aren't cool on Facebook anymore, I think they are awesome and awesome is a better word than cool! Just sayin' :)
But we have this treasure in jars of clay , to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. ~2 Corianthians 4:7
I recently found this verse and loved it. Do you know who is the treasure? and who is the jar of clay?
(This will be used in a upcoming blog)
O.k. so since my first blog, have any of you shared that phrase {Peculiar Treasures} with a friend? Or with anybody for that matter :) ? I hope you do or will.
Live for Jesus! Have a wonderful day!
Goodnight Blogspot.
Goodnight Peculiar Treasures.
Jesus loves you.
Emilee <3 Kaye :~ D
Oh, and guys, sorry about that extra picture. It doesn't show up when I tried to get it off...Just so ya know it wasn't on purpose.