Even though we might not lie on the basis of words, we often do in our actions. We say things that we do not mean. We do things that are not done with love. We act like we are serving Christ while the only foundation we have is bitterness. We ''listen'' to the sermon on Sunday, but in all reality couldn't recall what is was about on Monday.
So, what is my point? My point is we need to stop sugar coated this. We have a calling to be authentic people. We are called to ''confess our sins to one another.'' {See James 5:16} I'm not finger pointing. I rarely EVER come to you and say whatever it is without being convicted in my own life as well. So, we like the thought of ''above all else put on love for this binds us together in perfect unity,'' but then we just go on with our busy lives and forget.
Don't you find it ''funny'' that most of the Scriptures we quote and sayings we hang up on our wall are the ones we least live by? Even though these things are good... without living them out they mean nothing. One quote in particular:
''Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things''
It is all over Pinterest. All over. BUT what we do when we log off? We put it under ''Words to live by'' and go make our 5 year plan without asking the Lord's will. Ugh! Our flesh irritates me. It is a battle to fight for delight in the Lord. With all these distractions, to-do lists, and places to go we don't get much quiet time. What does it say about us if we only ''make time'' for Him when it is convenient? Christ didn't live a convenient life! Who do we think we are?
Worry and Anxiety. We let it engulf us... We let it take residency in us.
This past week a friend and I have been writing 3 highlighted daily blessings and sending them to one another. My friend started it based on the topic of worry at her small group. So, we have both been trying to focus on the good, and not the ''Woe is me.'' It has been a blessing in itself! I can't say every day I'm willing to do it, but then once again I am reminded. ''Who do I think I am?'' We go from thanking the Lord for cookies to thanking Him for life. I believe if we praised God more for laughter, pretty landscapes, friendships, and His prescence we would be changed. Go with me here:
It's simple. Worshipping Christ isn't easy all the time, but is simple. It doesn't take 10 steps and you don't have to read a book. You just praise Him. Open communication with Christ vs. ''Fitting'' Him into the life that He created.
Prayer. A topic this girl is very passionate about.
How many times a week do you tell someone you're praying for them?
Most likely, bunches of times. Do you? I try my hardest to not tell someone I will be praying for them if I have no intention. I can't say I succeed every time, but I am growing.
Also, prayer isn't ''hard.'' You don't have to make a list {even though it helps me big time to keep my thoughts organized.}... You don't need lengthy prayers or fancy words. Why do we make living like a Christian so intimidating for others? Do we make to many rules? Do we need a heart check up on how much love we have vs. laws? Prayer can be hard.... We don't always know what to say, but we can ask Him to interceed on our behalf.
Romans 8:26
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
I have made it a priority to pray for my friends in Uganda, but sometimes I think I try to ignore promptings. I can't put my finger on it, but the fact is I miss Uganda so much talking about it is uncomfortable. I'm afraid that I won't see the fruit of my prayers, but those in Hebrews 11 only greeted their inheritance from afar. Hebrews 11:40:
''God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.'' I miss that crazy traffic and those red dirt roads so much... I pray hurriedly before I allow myself to ''smell'' the aroma of Uganda again. I need to direct this passion for Uganda and use it as fuel to be used it in its correct form. I don't know what my future in Africa looks like, but in all reality I don't need to know. Putting my future in Uganda and Uganda itself into His hands is the best choice. Especially compared to me worrying! So, as I received in a letter from one of my best friends in Uganda, I will look forward to thee eternal celebrations where I will meet up with my brothers and sister from across the big pond again. What a glorious eternity!
We all fall short of the glory of God, BUT Hebrews 4:15 says ''...we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.''
Honestly, I could go on and on about our weaknesses, but here are same main points I want you to take away.
{1} Write what you write. Say what you mean and mean what you say. {John 19:22}
{2} Pray with an awe and reverence to God... not only to give Him a ''to do'' list.
{3} Truly appreciate the little things. Take time to say thank-you and take time to laugh.
Take time to be intentional.
Abba Jesus,
You alone know our hearts. Intercede on our behalf, Jesus. Help us to be full with Your inexpressible and glorious joy even when our day is lousy. Lord, in You every day is awesome. Help us to live according to the wonderful truths of Your Word. We thank-you that you have been where we are. You came to earth as fully God, fully man and we praise You for that! Help us to not be selfish, Lord. Make us holy as You are. You are. You are. As You Wish; Let It Be So,
Your Peculiar Treasures.
Well, PT's here were a few things weighing on my heart this evening. I know it was like popcorn with all the different topics, but I didn't want to leave a single topic out. I pray you received your word. Have a God-breathed and hopefully a good feelin' day! :)
In Him,
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