I had every intention of adding to last year's pumpkin spice latte post. Also about Colorado. However, that won't be possible until some technical difficulties are solved.
I have taken many pictures lately with y'all in mind. Counting blessings; recording memories. Sooooo, someday soon you'll see a few more glimpses than these below.
So, who is up for some random updates from our corner of the world? Shall we?
I started school this week--the day after Labor Day, as always. It's been a interesting week adjusting to all of the changes going on in my world this fall, but school itself is going excellent. Of course, it's the first week. However, I'm excited about one certain unique textbook, writing papers in English, & literature projects. I'm reading Sense & Sensibility & simply loving every minute of it. Once I got used to the language, I have really enjoyed it. It's one of those books that you update your family & friends how it's going & nobody else probably cares. All well.
First day of school on Tuesday! I can't believe I'm a freshman. It's exciting & terrifying.
My cousin Nathaniel at his birthday celebration following his football game on Monday. He's growing up fast. Aren't we all?!?
I just finished The Help shortly after we got home from vacation in Colorado. Between my love of Mississippi, this story, & my lack in reading any fiction lately: I could barely put it down. Love this story. If anything else, it inspired me to write more stories. That alone was worth reading the book.
Several ladies from the 'gang' came over to watch Tangled at my house on their last night of summer. Love them so much.
Missing Colorado & lovin' my coffee. However, I won't drink coffee everyday until it gets cooler. I'm excited for that day to come. :)
On Thursday, our craziest of the week, we stopped by sister's tennis meet for as long as we could. On another happy note: I just started horse lessons AND got back into Greek on Thursday.
I love FaceTime. Especially with these beauties. This was our kitchen counter conference call Thursday night.
After Sunday school with the bestie! She's a pretty big deal to me. :)
This is my current favorite reminder. I have an anxious heart. Turning to Him!
On the way to Nathaniel's party, we had lunch with the Zimmer's! Love them to pieces. Jasmyn is getting so big!
Hope & Heartaches; the journal I most recently filled to the brim with musings from this peculiar treasure. It was almost painful going back & reading it all. It's authentic in every way & reading about how He was leading me through every hard & easy step along the way is a blessing.
After taking a break from all my knitting projects, I jumped back in a few weeks ago. Thus far, I've finished one orange & black scarf to wear to football games & am working on my next one. It's very soothing & one of my very favorite things to do.
I absolutely love this picture of Momma V & Auntie Diane in Colorado enjoying their Starbucks along the river. Besties of mine.
Is it cheesy to take pictures of your dog & call him handsome? If it is, I'm just gonna have to live with that title.
My sweet prayer warrior friend, Mariah. A lot of hashing, problem solving, & heart-to-hearts have taken place lately.... & with that:
Indeed it does. :(
My tease for 'pumpkin spice lattes 2013'! Ahhh.
Tomorrow {Sunday} afternoon Momma V & I are headed to see Michael Buble! I'm extremely excited. A mini road trip, to be in the city, to see Michael live for the first time... what a great way to end this week! Ever since Momma told me that he was coming while I was at camp, anticipation has been building. Once again, I'm leaving you with the promise that you'll hear more about that later.
Thank-you for taking a random journey with me through life lately!
With that, my loves, I will leave you for the night. I have church to go to in the morning... & hopefully, so do you! Whether I'll see you there or not, I pray that you will have a marvelous Lord's day! Enjoy being with your church family & praising Him together. I know I will.
Adoring away anxiety,
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