Monday, February 18, 2013

february eighth two thousand thirteen.

It was a lovely day.

And, as many of you already know, it was my birthday.

Time has flown.

As my tradition goes I will give you pictures regarding my celebrations and take you along to all the day's activities if you weren't there otherwise. :)

I rang in the new age with my pooch... we were probably both snoring for all I know.
I usually wake up and greet the EXACT minute I was born with much persistant excitement, but I decided to just celebrate... sleeping... after I shut my alarm off... for probably the third time.

Then, as Madre and I got ready we jammed to Adele and Kari Jobe before heading to the Little Apple for a day of shopping. Yes, a girl that hates shopping always goes shopping on her birthday. Although, since I didn't have a time limit, it was very pleasurable.

Our stops?

  • The Christian Bookstore.
Shocked much? An hour at the Christian bookstore leaves me happy... {even if I don't get anything.}That's exactly what we did. My purchases? Every book on my list of 17 books that I could find in the store--plus one that I couldn't resist. :)

  1. A Chance To Die on Amy Carmichael by Elisabeth Elliot
  2. The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen
  3. Introverts In The Church by Adam Mchugh
  4. Eat This Book by Eugene H. Peterson
  5. Tenth Avenue North's album ''The Struggle"
  • Then, we made our way to Applebee's.
Don't judge me for taking pictures of my meal. This is for you visual learners, I suppose. :)
Then, our waitress gladly let me have my birthday dessert WITHOUT the song. Needless to say,
no matter what she did wrong in serving us... she was a hero for this introvert. ;)
  • Up next, Target.
  • With time to kill, we cruised.
  • The fulfillment of Emilee's birthday wish.
Can you guess?
My birthday wish was to go to Starbucks to read & study by myself. Every single time I have went in there before, although I love Starbucks & the people I go with nonetheless, I have always envied the people that can go by themselves.
My nest. :)
From my ever so lovely friend, Broseph... AKA Chloe. :)
  • Homecoming!
It was our school's winter homecoming basketball game... I had babysat or was otherwise busy when all the other games had taken place so I finally got to go to one! It twas grand.
With Chloe and another sweet friend. :)
With that outline, I will close this post looking forward to coming to you soon. :) Really, really soon.
Teach me to number my days, Lord Jesus. Your will be done. We desire You so very much.
I got treasure up in heaven; I got dirt all over me,

1 comment:

  1. That Keep Calm & go to target cracked me up! I live there :)

