Wednesday, December 7, 2011


It is so good to be back! {On Peculiar Treasures} I hope you have been checking on our Uganda blog, {and continue to} because I am not finished with it yet-- I just had to come visit you tonight. How are you?
I am still slowly, but surely coming back into our time zone! Although part of me was left behind.

I love how God lays different themes on my heart... Remember my Knowing post or my Yearning post?
Well, for this season in my life it is intentionality. Ya know how you cherish when someone is intentional with you? The moment when a little one {or anyone for that matter!} smiles directly at you.
When a cherished friend comes up to apologize. When you don't have to walk across the room to talk to your friend; they are already walking to you. When someone sends you a note or text {etc.} just for fun. When someone gives you a present-- You know there was thought behind it. Sometimes we just need people to be intentional with us-- right? We desire to be loved- Not because of obligation or for charity, but because of sincerity in their feelings and decision. We want to be ''searched'' for and fought for.
We try to fill this gap with earthly things and humans. Our gap can never be filled if we don't come into contact with this {inspired by the sermon on Sunday}:

Jesus is intentional with you.
He searched for you! He daily comes to rescue you from your earthly and sinful ways.
He gave you the perfect gift; life forever and abundantly.
The Lord your God fights for you need only be still.
He walks to be by your side...and stays there.
Oh, and He sent you a note alright! :)

Talk about satisfying! :) So, we get discouraged when our friends let us down, because they weren't intentional like we might have dreamed they would be... We feel miserable and realize maybe a hint of our hope was put in them-- if even for a short time. We have to put our hope in Him... and it is an everyday decision you have to make. He will never forsake us even when earthly possessions do.
He has to be our treasure. He has to be our everything before everything else falls into place; place being His plan.

He intentionally seeks you out. He intentionally is seeking out unbelievers. Jesus is intentional.
He cares about the one lost sheep...That one lost sheep is the son or daughter He delights in and He doesn't want to lose them because of this world. Remember these things when Satan uses his lies to discourage you.

Now, what are we supposed to do with this promise and knowledge? Let's be intentional people!
Intentionally have time in prayer, the Word, and listening to the Lord every day.
Intentionally tell someone hello. Intentionally send someone a note. Intentionally tell your friend you appreciate everything they do- even if you told them yesterday. Intentionally let someone know they are loved- by the Lord and by you.
See ya soon, friends. Have a wonderful day!
In Him,

P.S. I apologize for all the times you had to read the word intentional in this post :) Maybe that is a way to keep it engraved on your mind! ;)

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