It seems like August 31st was yesterday! Seriously! This closing of Summer and opening of Fall is going really quick. How are ya?
I started School this week, ''Officially'' joined Power Hour {Wednesday night get together for 6-7 grades at my church}, babysat, and yesterday we had a Beth Moore Simulcast at our church {along with 180,000 other ladies from around the globe! Such a God-thing...}.
It was SOOOO GOOD! Can you hear me saying it? It wasn't just good it was just plain good!
Our main ''character'' was Luke. Ya know...The Gospel of Luke and Acts writer Luke.
I learned alot about him that I hadn't before. I was thee ''Event Photographer'' and you know how much I love pictures!
Today was 9/11/11. I will say that I can't remember anything about it considering I was 2 at the time.
I wish I had something really poetic to say to you about this event that changed SO MANY, MANY lives.
BUT, I don't really. I do ask you though to pray for the people effected by it. I bet today was super hard for them. So even though I don't remember 9/11 I can still try my best to pray for those STILL healing and always missing their friends and relatives. Thanks for joining me!
Okay, so tonight I am going to share a song. Not like ten I promise, but one video that I have really been enjoying lately! I have been dieing to share it w/ ya.
Isn't that just a cool song? Kari Jobe! You Are For Me~
So Faithful/So Constant....So Wonderful In All You Do.
Thanks for reading! Have a blessed week and a AWESOME Monday, guys.
Live For HIM!
Emilee Kaye