Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1 Kings, Prayer, and Elijah. {Part 2}

O.k. so we are going to learn more about prayer and Elijah tonight. Wherever you are behind that phone,computer, laptop, blackberry I hope you don't just skim through all this ridiculously long list of verses and profiles, because if you skim through someones facebook profile and check out all their pictures and comments well..... Elijah sounds like an awesome guy and if he had a Facebook I would be sure to check it out. Wouldn't you? So consider this Elijah The Tishbite's Official Facebook Page {Untill they make a real one and sue me! Just kidding}

{Taken from Emilee's Bible}             
  Elijah's single-minded commitment to God shocks and challenges us. He was sent to confront, not comfort, and he spoke God's words to a king who often rejected his message just because he brought it. Elijah chose to carry out his ministry for God alone and paid for that decision by experiencing isolation from others who were also faithful to God.
  It is interesting to think about the amazing miracles God accomplished through Elijah, but we would do well to on the relationship they shared. All that happened in Elijah's life began with the same miracle that is available to us-he responded to the miracle of being able to know God.
Elijah witnessed a windstorm, an earthquake, and fire. But the Lord was not in any of those powerful things. Instead, God displayed his presence in a gentle whisper.
  Elijah, like us, struggled with his feelings even after this comforting message from God. So God confronted Elijah's  emotions and commanded action. He told Elijah what to do next and informed him that part of his loneliness was based on ignorance: 7,000 others in Israel were still faithful to God.
  Even today, God often speaks through the gentle and obvious rather than the spectacular and unusual. God has work for us to do even when we feel fear and failure. And God always has more resources and people than we know about. Although we might wish to do amazing miracles for God, we should instead focus on developing a realtionship with Him. The real miracle of Elijah's life was his very personal realtionship with God. And that miracle is available to us.

Elijah's strengths and accomplishments:
  •  Was the most famous and dramatic of Israel's prophets
  • Predicted the beginning and end of a three year drought
  • Was used by God to restore a dead child to his mother
  • Represented God in a showdown with priests of Baal and Asherah
  • Appeared with Moses and Jesus in the New Testament transfiguration scene
Weaknesses and mistakes:
  •  Chose to work alone and paid for it with isolation and loneliness
  • Fled in fear from Jezebel when she threatened his life
Lessons from his life:
  •  We are never closer to defeat than in our moments of greatest victory 
  •  We are never as alone as we may feel; God is always there
  • God speaks more frequently in persistent whispers than in shouts
So, Elijah was awesome, but obviously he made mistakes. He is human.
We can learn from his mistakes. He chose to work alone...well if you start your own business it isn't a sin :) , but don't put a glass wall protecting your freezing heart. If you refuse to talk to God, or anyone for that matter you will feel lonely.
If you don't accept fellowship than why would you ever pray for God to take the ache of being alone?

Have you ever thought of a relationship with God as a miracle?
Frankly, I hadn't alot. You can talk to GOD! Read it again.. Go ahead :)
God is unsearchable.
You might look Him up on google to find another enchanting word for him, but there isn't enough names for my Jesus. And there are alot!!
Pursue your/our miracle {I am totally bobbing my head to Newsboys right now! : D}
today. How? Pray..
I might talk about it
 next time {I can't talk about it enough},
since I have been typing for like an hour! 
I love ya'll.
Prayer works. Trust me on this one...Ok?
As I turn off K~LOVE, shut my laptop, finish my  book, pray, and end my night I pray you are learning from this peculiar treasure of a blog.
 Come back for more on a miracle topic.
Emilee Kaye

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