Wednesday, April 17, 2013

resistance & the heart of God.



       In the past two days, Makenna listens to my singing over her for only several moments before letting out more cries. She loves being with me, but she wants down all too quickly in my eyes. Am I crazy or do you see the heart of God in this {these} example{s}? The Lord cleanses us; makes us new, but we yell and scream about it. All the while, He is singing our songs over us, even our siblings in Christ are hearing the melody, telling us to just trust Him & reminding us that He is near. We love being with Him. Unlike our spiritually high days though, we leave all to quickly. While we still love Him & we still communicate--His arms, for some reason, don't seem as wonderful & satisfying as they used to be. Then, come evening, it is His biggest delight that we would want to crawl into His lap and cuddle & get warm. I certainly have not responded in all the ways I should have, but He is molding me & it's a beautiful thing to see. Lord, in the ways I lack & in what I'm recognizing {pride, bitterness, little unceasing prayer}, make me new. You are so holy. We know not what we do. I love You--may I be pleasing in Your eyes & may I give You a big delight--by crawling into Your lap. Your will be done, Jesus. You are so good. Prepare us for the Sabbath and train us as we live in hope of the Eternal Sabbath. Thank-You... it's good to be alive.

Yours Forever,

My journal entry from Saturday, January 19, 2013.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


March wasn't my grandest month, especially as far as journaling goes, but I love looking back on this short amount of time & seeing what He was working in me.

  • Saturday, March 2, 2013. [Someday]

  • Sunday, March 3, 2013. [Breaking the Silence]

  • Sunday, March 3, 2013. [200 Letters... I Will (Never) Send]

  • Monday, March 4, 2013.  [Three Hardnesses & Oceans]

  • Thursday, March 7, 2013. [Changes; Good & Bad]

  • Saturday, March 9, 2013. [Long Stories Short]

  • Sunday, March 10, 2013. [Giving While Empty]

  • Tuesday, March 12, 2013. [Luke & Our Disney List]

  • Saturday, March 16, 2013. [Confusing, Ironic, and Amazing]
...and that post brings us to the end of that journal.

The timeline? From December 27, 2012-March 16, 2013.

We turned the last page of this Moleskine, to open the next in line--thanks to my birthday shopping trip! :)

  • Wednesday, March 20, 2013. [We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve]
Enjoy this beautiful weather, y'all! May your weekend be filled with much laughter, coffee, and wonderful companionship. :)
Until next time,