Looking forward to sleep. That moment, every night, when I say ''Have I really been in my
room 2 hours already?'' When the quietness goes by fast... when the journals, perhaps Facebook, and my book just have to wait until next time my schedule allows. When coziness settles in and I remember.
Remembering has been the theme of this last week. We talked about anniversaries at church Sunday and then our testimonies Wednesday night at my Bible study. This week I have been reading through older journal entries and that sparks alot of memories that get thrown to the wayside too quickly. So, I am digging them back up again. Remembrance is so valuable.
The Israelites had a duty to remember all that God had done for them. He set them free... They forgot at times, too. When they forgot, though, they sinned against God. He sets us free... and what do we do about it? How are we acting as His children, set apart? He has worked in our lives in such an intricate way. How do we portray it? How do we tell our ''children'' about our memorials? How do we thank God for delivering us from the pit? How do we stand in awe in a crazy world that pleads that we would be distracted? Why do we have to remember these silly stories, definitions, or happenings?
As Christians, the root of most sin is forgetfulness.
It's hard to put a finger on what God has done when perhaps you don't feel like He is doing anything right now. Remember the peace. Remember His peace that transcends all understanding. Remember the calm in the storm. Remember that God sent rain for Noah when the world thought he was crazy. Remember that the Lord heard Hannah's cry and sent her Samuel. Remember His faithfulness shown over and over again. Remember that Sarah laughed at the thought of having a child in her old age, but God stayed true to His covenant. Remember Jesus' words on the cross ''Forgive them, for they know not what they do.'' Remember that He will answer your prayers... just maybe not the way you would like. Remember that there is any empty grave. Also, remember, that there is still a battle and you have a role in it.
Remember what Jesus says about you...
Remember how Christ has worked in your life.
And tell a few people about it along the way.
Life is a mist.
In Abba,