Monday, January 23, 2012

Hosanna! Hosanna!

Let me introduce you if you don't already know them-- to the Boeschling family.

Marty, Jael, and Elijah. :)
{To read her blog click her name above.}

This wonderful family came to join our church body in August of last year... Marty joined our church staff
as our Worship Leader and Senior High pastor shortly after. In September of 2011 I asked Jael to become my mentor through a youth program at our church... and she said yes. We have absolutely loved getting to know them... as well as Mr. Elijah! :) In addition to them being all of these things to us they {for only a short time longer :( } also live right across the street from us :)

One day I walked over to have a little time to talk to Jael about Uganda... and walked back with wonderful news! In the middle of our discussion Marty came home from work and they told me they were expecting baby #2!! I was so thrilled and happy for them.

Last week we saw this beloved picture on Facebook of their 17 week old... which we found out to be a little girl.

Look at that perfectly formed hand.

In the midst of bedrest and a week of praying-- Jael delivered 17 week old Hosanna Joy. These are a few words from her post on Friday-- ''Our 17-week-old baby girl, Hosanna Joy, was saved out of this life on January 19 at 11:56 p.m. and is now being rocked in Jesus' arms in Heaven's nursery. Her tiny 'hello' in the sonogram picture taken on Monday was apparently also a good-bye. :(''

We have been praying for Marty and Jael whenever the Lord brought/brings them to mind. Our hearts are truly broken for them. We love them... and are continually lifting them up. I also pray that we will continue praying when it isn't so heavy on our hearts and minds as it has been lately. I encourage you to do the same.
So, because I have given you the background of the Boeschling's let me tell you what the Lord did today.

This morning we soon found out that Marty would indeed lead our congregation in worship. Since Friday morning {we woke up with the ''news''} we kept on saying over and over. And over. How is he ever going to sing Hosanna, Hosanna ever again?? 

Before the service I had talked with Marty to acknowledge that I was thinking about him-- especially today and that I was praying for him. So, when the time came he walked up to lead us... Everything goes as usual until this line...
Hosanna, Hosanna came up on the big screen. Imagine with me the Daddy of this sweet baby girl having to sing her name...over and over. And over-- after losing her {3 days prior}.

Anyone that knew the circumstance was crying-- including myself. I felt sorry for the visitors that didn't know why so many people were crying in this wonderful song in praise to Him... :)
But Marty-- Marty was smiling. It. Was. Priceless... Singing ''Hosanna... Hosanna...'' with nothing less than a grin from ear to ear. When he sang when we see you we find strength  to face the day I thought about how precious it was the strength the Lord gave him to minister to us this morning. I believe that it was a complete God-thing and an extreme ''faith challenger.'' I love how the Lord picked that song... knowing-- knowing how it would shift our hearts. THEN, Marty also said a few words about Hosanna and sang ''You Never Let Go.'' We were very sober during the rest of service. We appauld Pastor Grant because he delivered an awesome sermon... It's just that those words with the scene playing out before our eyes was so fresh on our minds... and being forever engraved on our hearts.

Hosanna means an {1} exclamation of praise, especially one to God and also {2} the act of crying "hosanna".  {I believe this is very appropriate :) }

[Old English osanna,  via Late Latin from Greek, from Hebrew hōshi `āh nnā  save now, we pray]

Save now we pray.
Save now... we pray...

                                 {hands together, praying.}

John 10:12
They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! ” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the King of Israel!”
Our sweet Jesus prepared a place for Hosanna. He greeted her-- by name. Hosanna!  She is now being held by Him... and will be waiting for her mommy, her daddy, and her big brother.

There is so much Scripture that goes beautifully with this... I am going to share this one:

1 Peter 1:6,8    ''In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials...... Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,''

Our congregation was a witness of this beautiful ''inexpressible and glorious joy'' this morning while Marty sang praise and saw the hope that truly was rising. Be blessed this week, treasures. Thanks for letting me share :)

In Abba,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Break My Heart, Abba.

This morning I was on the internet and I was also listening to music on YouTube... I used to listen to Jonny Diaz very often, but hadn't heard very much off his new album so I decided to search for some of his latest record... Convicting, isn't it? {I am so thankful I rediscovered this this morning.}  I will give more insight after you watch this video from Jonny Diaz himself:

I love this. True grace sees a face not a burden. Let's be honest, on a bad day are we more likely to pray least or most? For alot of us we pray the least... and it truly is during these times of hardship that the Lord enriches your intimacy with Him-- to keep you going when you don't feel like it. Or you feel lonely, but you trust in His promises and pour out your heart like water before Him instead of having a pity-party... We aren't a burden to the Lord, but a delight. Accept it, treasure-- It belongs even to YOU!

{For a little about ''a face not a burden'' go to Our Journey All The Way To Uganda and read, ''His Eyes.''

I believe that as Christians {specifically speaking} we hold on to that ''wholesome'' personality. Because we are whole, free, and the Lord sees us as blameless + beautiful we feel like we have to put up that front. We don't. What if we all thought about the question ''How are you?''

So, this morning I asked the Lord to break my heart... and He began to. This verse rings out in my mind:
''Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.''  ~Romans 12:15

I have made the realization that yes, our heart can be broken for poverty..... {mine is. Personally.} Also, what about the people right here? I am thankful that He has changed me on this subject-- My heart is broken for the hopelessness across the world, but I also can be used both places. There are so many broken and there. Weep with those who weep and build them up. Ask the Lord for opportunities... They might not come tomorrow, but they will come.

Also, while listening to music on YouTube later today {after He had begun breaking mine in an intentional way.} I read this verse and knew I needed to blog tonight.

''...You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.'' ~Psalm 51:17


''As they cannot make atonement  for sin, so God cannot take any satisfaction in them, except that the offering of them shows love and duty toward Him. David also knew how acceptable true repentance is to God: The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. {v17} It is a painful work that is done there, nothing less than breaking the heart, not in despair but in necessary humiliation and sorrow for sin. It is a sensitive heart that responds to the word of God, a heart subdued and brought into obedience. It is a tender heart, like Josiah's (2Ki 22:19), that trembles at God's word. The breaking of Christ's body for sin is the only sacrifice of atonement, for no sacrifice except that could take away sin, but the breaking of our hearts for sin is a sacrifice of acknowledgment.'' From The New Matthew Henry Commentary.

So, let's ask Abba together...

Break our hearts! We know that we can better serve you when we have that attitude, God.
We want to be authentic as to invite others to be, too. God, make opportunities arise that we may lift another up and do it for Your glory... and Yours alone. God build in us a sensitive heart that responds to Your word. May You build in us what is pleasing to You {Hebrews 13:21}... God, we earnestly seek You and Your fellowship. Thank-you for creating fellowship... You truly care about our simplest need and desire. Make us sincere. As You Wish... Let it be so,
Your Peculiar Treasures

His light will last when all else fades. I pray this challenged you...
In Abba,

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The New Year w/ Makenna Joy.

Happy New Year! I am going to share photos this evening... and the bulk of them are of Miss Makenna.
Oh! She is so sweet! I got my hands on her today! Oh, the joys of life!

Earlier in the week I received this postcard autographed from/by Cloverton. It made me happy! Their new single ''The End Is The Beginning'' is coming out soon!
{{I received the postcard though a Facebook contest.}}

Speaking of the New Year:

A video from one of my many favorite ladies, Jenna {Lucado} Bishop. Great reminder of our new year... every day. {{Just change when she says 2011 to 2012 ;) }}

Drum roll, please.

Happy New Year from Makenna Joy! {{Picture taken by her daddy in the hospital.}}

                                                 Mama and sweet baby Makenna. :)

Oh! The moment I had been waiting for. I was very thankful for my sweet time with Little Miss Makenna.

                             Big brother :) {{Her look-alike for sure}}We love these little guys.

Blury, but Tori was lovin' on little sister. :) <3

All cuddled up :) She is so tiny... and so precious.

See ya soon. I hope you enjoyed seeing these precious pictures!
Don't forget that every morning is a mercy morning! :)

In Him,
Emilee Kaye