My Precious Readers :)
You are so awesome!
Well, if you remember, I went to camp last week.
It was amazing. I love camp. Im sure my family is sick of hearing, ''At camp....'' :)
Tonight I am going to share the notes that I wrote to you and give you some homework :)
I have been going to this camp for five years.
Hello PT's! {Peculiar Treasures}
I wanted to let you know I have arrived safely to camp. I am sitting in the gazebo.
Sarah, Audrey, and other people are playing human fooseball! I played last game, but I was terrible :) It was fun, but I was terrible :) I just wanted to say hello. TTYL
Love, Your Blogger,
Emilee <3 Kaye
Hi again :) {Random note; I forget where and when I wrote it.}
July 28th, 2011
Oh My Goodness bloggies!
I am so sorry I haven't written a note since MONDAY!
We have been SSOOO busy! {I know, I hate that excuse, too.}
Today is clash day and you should totally see me right now! I just finished my date with Jesus and I am now waiting for the canteen bell to ring! I am very sad it is Thursday, but I still have two full days here! I am sitting on a picnic table- to my right there is ''my spot'' view and in front water, trees, and the Leffler home {The camp directors} :) I will see ya soon. Im gonna go memorize verses.
Love, Navy Girl,
Emilee <3 Kaye
{Navy was my team for the week and the other team was Army...Army won, but Navy still is awesome. :) }
Camp was amazing. {Have I mentioned that?}
I met some new camp friends and hung out with old ones :)
Many kids made decisions to talk to God, to listen to Him, and accepted Him into their heart.
We even had a ''conversion'', because of the scarely awesome hayride! {Yes, I just said scarely awesome :) }
One fun thing was that the pastor that was there my first year ever at camp came back :)
On Friday night we had another speaker and his main passage was on Isaiah 6.
Then, I went to church on Sunday in Iowa and guess what Sunday School is on? Isaiah 6!
So, what I want you to do is to read Isaiah 6. Out loud. Draw it. Imagine it. Something!
Whatever it takes to get a picture in your mind of how holy God is and how AMAZING it is that He cleanses us. :)
Im gonna go read.
Thanks for listening :)
Come back :)
Serve Him!!
Emilee <3 Kaye
P.S. How was your week?
Have a wonderful night and a great day Tuesday! {Tomorrow}